Adult Desert Ornate Box Turtle

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Terrapene ornata luteola Captive Bred  Approximately 5 – 6 inches In Shell Length Also...

Adult Pancake Tortoise

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Malacochersus tornieri Field Collected ***LAST ONES EVER, GOING CITIES 1*** Approximately 7 – 8...

Aldabra Tortoise for sale

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Geochelone gigantea Captive Bred Male And Female Pair Approximately 26 And 28 Inches In...

Baby Aldabra Tortoise

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Geochelone gigantea Captive Bred Male And Female Pair Approximately 26 And 28 Inches In...

Baby Burmese Black Mountain Tortoise

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These Captive Bred Babies Are Approximately 3.5-4 Inches But Can Reach Up To 24 Inches In...

Baby Burmese Brown Mountain Tortoise

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These Captive Bred Babies Are Approximately 2.5 To 3 Inches In Length. Cool Shell Shape And Edging...

Baby Cherryhead Redfoot Tortoise

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These Captive Bred Babies Are Approximately 2-3 Inches In Shell Length. This Is A Mid Sized Species...

Baby Elongated Tortoise

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These Captive Bred Babies Are Approximately 3.5 – 4 Inches In Length. Excellent Smaller Species Of Tortoise,...

Baby Giant South African Leopard Tortoise

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These Captive Bred Babies Are Approximately 2 – 2.5 Inches In Shell Length And Have Unique Shell...

Baby Greek Tortoise

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These Captive Bred Babies Are Approximately 2 Inches In Shell Length. Fantastic Tortoises With Golden Colored Shells...

Baby Hermann’s Tortoise

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Thes Captive Bred Babies Are Approximately 2 Inches In Shell Length. These Stay Relatively Small, Excellent Species...

Baby Hypo Sulcata Tortoise

0 out of 5
These Farm Bred Babies Are Around 3 Inches In Shell Length. Tortoises Are Very Personable And Make...